Welcome to the Mama Nook where you will find recipes for the every day cook! I am a stay at home Mama to 4 kiddos and I cook every. single. day. So, I have a lot of tried and true recipes to share with you! Whether it’s cooking weekly dinners for my family or baking with my kids, I am always in the kitchen with my recipe book wide open. And now I want to share those recipes with you, think of the Mama Nook as an online version of my recipe book (did you notice my rhyming there?) So, if you are looking for simple, easy, family friendly recipes then you have come to the right place, I mean nook.


Hi! My name is Dani and I am a stay at home, homeschooling Mama to 4 kiddos. As you can imagine, my life can absolutely be loud and crazy. The Mama Nook provides a little quiet corner where you can come to find easy, simple recipes.
I am so happy that you are here!

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